
Friday, May 18, 2018

2 more UFO finishes

The Pink Pineapples are all done, and hanging by my back door for now. The light isn't very good there, but you can kind of see that the pink has a slight coral tint.  This wall hanging is about 20" square.  I want to hang it in my laundry room eventually, but need to find a slightly larger hanger for it first. 

And I finished the Sew Together bag that was my sample when I taught the classes over a year ago. This one was partially done for the class to use as a demo, and it had stayed in pieces far too long.  I notice that the quilting doesn't show up very well on this print.  I should have used red thread to quilt it.  Thread contrast needs to be kept in mind for future bags.  I'm kind of thinking that I may donate it to the family reunion silent auction at the end of June. 


  1. The pineapples are adorable! My nephew's wife (she grew up in Hawaii) made them with yellow/orange fabrics, but I really love the pink/coral better.

  2. Two beautiful finishes. What a nice donation gift!

  3. The pink pineapples are so fun! Perfect for a wall-hanging by the door.

  4. Those pineapples look luscious and juicy. Looks like a cat rules your house, don't they all!

  5. Congrats! on your PINK Pineapple finish!!!

  6. I love the pineapples in pink! (And I love the sign it's hanging from...I have one that says "the cat and his cleaning staff live here"...same sentiment, but it's so true!) The little bag is nice too, and sometimes you don't want the quilting to contrast, so I think it's just fine the way it is.

  7. Great finish on the pineapple wall quilt. Good to finish up the class sample bag too.

  8. Fun Pink Pineapple, Sara. Congrats on your finishes.


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