
Saturday, May 19, 2018

My reward is a new project

This isn't a totally new project, but it is my reward for finishing some UFOs.  I've had this Kaffe jelly roll for a while and kept picturing a jelly roll race quilt using it.  Then I saw the variation with the squares in between the strips and knew that is what I wanted to do.  Check out Jelly Roll Race II at Missouri Star Quilt Company for a video tutorial.

So this week I purchased some lime green Grunge, and got started. 
The strips have all been sewn together, separated by lime green squares.  This pile is only part of the approximately 60 yards of strips.

Once the long strip was sewn into a shorter strip of 2, I wasn't sure about how it was turning out. At this point there were some doubts, but I knew I needed to keep going.

And voila - two strips were sewn into a strip of 4, then halved again into a strip of 8, then 16, and finally 32.  Once I had strips of 4 I could actually see the potential, and this turned out even better than I had hoped.  Now to add a narrow green border and a wider purple/blue border that was my purchase on Friday to finish this up.  Stay tuned for the final version! 



  1. Those are my favorite versions of the Jelly Roll- race/1600!!! Yours looks GREAT!

  2. The pops of lime green add a lot of interest to this quilt. I like it.

  3. What a terrific way to reward yourself! Love those brightly colored patterns with the pop of lime green.


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