
Monday, May 7, 2018

Family treasures

One of my favorite pieces of furniture is this old oak rocker that belonged to my paternal grandmother.  She was only 4’ 9", and my grandfather took off the rockers, cut the legs down, and then put the rockers back on so it was more comfortable for her.  I’m only 5’ 2", and this rocker fits me perfectly.  It’s very plain, but the wood is so pretty and it’s really comfortable.

I’m looking forward to acquiring another family treasure soon - my mother’s treadle sewing machine. My cousin’s wife tracked it down for me, offered to buy it, and the sewing machine is now sitting in their garage waiting for me to pick it up. So a road trip to Minnesota needs to happen soon.  I don’t know what kind of shape it’s in, but it will be fun to have it back no matter what.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely rocker and it wonderful condition. Oak is my favorite wood, and I have a lot of it in my house, some old pieces and some becoming old. 😊 I see a lot of beautiful oak is being painted or chalked by the current generation and it breaks my heart.

    I hope the treadle machine & cabinet are also in wonderful condition and that you'll be able to pick it up soon.


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