
Friday, May 4, 2018

Pink Ritzy Crackers

The 12 pink Ritzy Cracker blocks can be checked off my May goal list as complete.  I already had 6 pink ones made before, so these are just added to the stack. I could definitely see doing a single color quilt of these blocks. And they would make some wonderful Quilt of Valor blocks in reds and blues.
If I have counted correctly, I have 97 blocks made. I want enough made for the family reunion at the end of June.  I think that it needs some orange, more red, a few more black, and more multi-color blocks. So I'll be deviating from the RSC18 monthly color choices to get these done in time. My plan is to have them stacked by color and let people choose a block to sign. 
And ironically the reunion is the same weekend as our bi-annual guild quilt show. So I'll be feeling a bit frantic for a few days until both are over.  My husband is in charge of the reunion, and I'm on the quilt show committee.  Luckily both events are taking place here in town.


  1. What a beautiful array of blocks. They are going to make a stunning reunion quilt.

  2. This is such a fun layout for your blocks. What a great idea to use the blocks as signature blocks at your reunion. It will be a treasure for sure.

  3. i love this block and your collection of colors...

  4. Those Ritzy blocks are adorable and the collection of them together is going to make a fantastic quilt.

  5. Nice selection of PINK scraps in those blocks!!


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