
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

More goals for May

Besides finishing the UFO items, I have set a few other goals for the month of May.  Most of these are just keeping up with or moving along WIPs (Works in Progress), but I want to start a new project too.  Maybe the Farm Girl Vintage blocks will have to be my "new" project since all I have is blocks. Guess I will just have to see how the month goes. 

Pink/rose was selected as the May color for RSC18 (Rainbow Scrap Challenge).  So there is a lot of pink in my goals for the month.

  • 3 RSC Sampler blocks in pink
  • 2 Saturday Sampler blocks  
  • 12 Ritzy Cracker blocks (pink)
  • finish top of Christmas jelly roll quilt
  • bind Pink Pineapples
  • prep the sewing room wall hanging for quilting
  • make a plan for large Farm Girl Vintage blocks

  • This morning I dug through the stash and scraps for pink.  I actually thought I had more pink than I found.  But there were some good ones to choose from.  Twelve pink Ritzy Cracker blocks are under way.  I love this 30s reproduction fabric with the black Scottie dogs.

    The center sections of all 12 blocks are sewn, and ready to add the triangles.  And I'm kind of hoping that I get some more sewing time after work this afternoon.  They are all laying on my sewing table waiting for me.


    1. Look at all those pretty pink blocks in the making!

    2. Your pinks sure shout spring! Beautiful.


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