
Monday, November 5, 2018

Design Wall Monday - pieced sashing

My photo is shadowed due to the indoor light on this grey, rainy, cold day.  But you can get an idea of what the pieced sashing on this Hourglass quilt will look like.  There are stars at every junction.  It isn't difficult, just a bit time consuming to add the folded corners to make the star points.  And I know I'll like it a lot once it's done.

And you can see the ugly blue area rug showing through where I'm still missing a section.  My design wall is the floor in my sewing room which isn't near large enough to hold all of these pieces. But it beats running up and down the stairs as I worked on these sashing sections yesterday.  I am trying to avoid having too much of any one color, so as I sewed I also rearranged these on the floor.  Right now I have 4 sections left to add star points, and then I can start sewing these together.

Check out other design walls today at:

As I mentioned yesterday, my quiet alone time for the weekend was totally blown out of the water by my husband coming home unexpectedly on Friday evening.  And with him home this week it means we're running to some event (college basketball) every night this week except for tonight.  I would have skipped some of those games even though I really do love going.  And we are having Thanksgiving next Saturday with our kids/grandkids because of their work schedules and plans with in-laws.  So I'm just reminding myself that this project has been laying around for 14 years and a couple more weeks isn't a problem.  Spending time with loved ones is more important.


  1. Yay! for college basketball! Our first game is tomorrow and we are excited at my house! Your sashing is going to finish these blocks off in style. Great idea!

  2. The pieced sashing is going to showcase the blocks nicely. My design wall is the floor, too. It tends to keep me more motivated to get a project finished and out of the way.

  3. I like the soft colorway and the scrappiness of your hourglass quilt! And doesn't it feel good to make progress on a project begun long ago?


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