
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Plugging away on the Hourglass

Are you getting tired of looking at this UFO yet?  Two-thirds of the rows are now assembled for the Hourglass UFO.  I had to piece one of the sashing strips because I evidently cut it an inch too short, but I had some scraps left and just inserted a section into it.  Once it's all quilted I don't think it will be noticeable. 

The stars that form in the center of the sashing are showing up nicely.  The 4.5" wide sashing does a good job of breaking up the "busy-ness" of those flying geese around the edges of every block.  One I get the finals sections added to this, then I'll decide on the borders.  There are several options in that drawer of Thimbleberry fabrics to choose from.  


  1. As you add to this quilt, I love it more and more.

  2. It really is looking great! The stars add so much to the overall quilt. Beautiful.

  3. Wow this will be one beautiful quilt! Fun to see it evolve:)


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