
Friday, February 15, 2019

A little mindless sewing

With an hour or so available today, I managed to get a bit of mindless sewing done. It’s a great way to relax.

Four more Ritzy Cracker blocks came together quickly - 2 for our guild baby quilt project and 2 for me to add to my own stack.  I have a lot of scraps of various children’s prints left over from making baby quilts over the years. So I dug into that drawer and found the green farm print.  And there is a wide enough strip left to use as the top of a pillowcase.

Since I had a narrow green strip laying on the cutting board, it seemed logical to use it up in a string block.  Digging into the green scrap bin produced plenty of green bits and pieces to make this 9.5" block.  

On a roll, right?  Because the February color for RSC19 is pink I decided to also make a pink block while I had the time and the mojo.  These 2 new blocks bring the total of Rainbow String blocks to 13.  I think 20 will make a good sized kid’s quilt if I add a sashing. We’ll see what the March color is and maybe that will be the next one I make.

OOPS - the RSC color for February was yellow, not pink.  I think a yellow string blocks needs to happen next.  


  1. Mindless sewing is the best! Your colors scream spring. I wish the weather would!

  2. I agree with Ramona - your blocks are cheerful and spring-like.


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