
Monday, February 18, 2019

Design Wall Monday

Happy Monday everyone! After watching it snow all day yesterday again, I'm glad to see a hint of blue sky outside.  But the grey light yesterday kept my photos looking so washed out.  

I made a yellow string block to add to that set of blocks.  And I looked at some other block possibilities to use to make more donation quilts using the RSC colors.  

Then I worked on laying out the RSC18 blocks on my "design floor".  My sewing room doesn't really have enough floor space for this but I made it work well enough.  These blocks are actually very bright and happy colors - except in the grey snowy light.  Each block has sashing on 2 sides with a cornerstone, so now they are going into groups of 4 or 6 sewn together. 

And there is a binding happening on another big UFO. More to come on that another day. 

What will you find on other Design Walls this Monday?


  1. I have yet to do the RSC blocks. Have been thinking about making a big Swoon block each month. Love your blocks, even with the snowy light.

  2. I figured we would see a yellow block after you mentioned it in your last blog! Your design wall looks great! :)

  3. Clever to add sashing to two sides of the blocks to avoid sewing on a long skinny strip. I need to remember that tip.

  4. Your RSC quilt is going to be a beauty. It's fun to see all of your different blocks together.


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