
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Cats, cats, cats

The REAL cat in my house spent 7 hours yesterday sleeping on top of the quilt I was trying to bind.  I got to a point - halfway down the last side - where I couldn't move the quilt enough to stitch the binding without making His Royal Highness move. This is the look I got whenever I disturbed him.  And of course I didn't have the heart to just push him off the quilt, so that last side of binding still needs to be finished. Oh well - it's a UFO that I started in 2004 so a couple more days won't matter.  I bound a table topper instead.  

This cat is one of my RSC19 (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) blocks for this year- red blocks for January.  This week I'll be making a yellow one for February.   This is the 12" version of Barn Cat from Lori Holt's Farm Girl Vintage blocks.  It was an extra download to go with the book.  It will make a fun kid quilt with a rainbow of cats. 


  1. I can imagine a whole quilt of theses kitties in rainbow colors would make a fun quilt for any cat lover. I do love the little darlings, but boy, and I allergic! So wish I wasn't. Give yours a little squeeze from me. Achoo!

  2. Oooh, that look! Love your new RSC19 block: it will be fun to see the blocks multiply.

  3. That is just too funny! Maybe he'll let you finish it today!

  4. I love you Cat!
    And I wanna get it. I have the “Farm Girl” book by Lori Holt, but didn’t know about the cat download?? Would you care to elaborate?


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