
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Crackerjack is done

Crackerjack was our November project for our Kim Diehl club, and I'm happy to say this one is finished.  It kind of kicked my butt.  The center didn't want to lay flat, and those borders just caused me problems that needed to be ripped out and fixed.  The finished size is about 35" square and it was a kit.  Interesting note: the plaids are all flannels, and are used with the wrong side up. I think the stretchy qualities of flannel has contributed to my problems with getting this one right.

I really love the 4 blocks in the center of this one, and also how the sashing is done with small churn dash blocks in the corners.  I just don't like the border very well.  The quilting has helped the whole thing lay flatter.  So overall it's a good finish.  


  1. It's beautiful. I love the he design and the colors. I don't like to work with flannel: it has always given me problems.

  2. Oh so pretty! I love the center light fabrics and then the outer dark ones...truly beautiful!


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