
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Small projects

Now that I've finished a couple of large projects, it's time to tackle a couple of small projects from my UFO list. 

Raspberry Cocoa is a Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots project from last year that I'm hand quilting. I'm very slow at hand quilting but it's almost half done.  Since it's only about 30" square it shouldn't take too long.  But I tend to work on it for awhile and then set it aside.

Another small project waiting for me is Lukas' pillow cover, which is also about 30" square. My plan is to do a diagonal grid of simple machine quilting on this front section.  Then I can put the envelope back pieces on and mail it off.  I added this to my UFO list because even though it isn't an old project, it had been set aside with no progress for weeks. And it needs to be finished and gifted soon.


  1. I've never tried hand quilting, but it looks like it would be fun, especially on a small project.

  2. I'm a slow hand quilter, too, but slow and steady wins the race!


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