
Friday, March 1, 2019

February in review

Setting goals each month gives me some direction, but I'm not feeling totally pressured by them.  If I can move things along then it's a success.  In February I had some fairly achievable goals and did very well.

  • keep up with Saturday Sampler  DONE
  • catch up with RSC color blocks (red & yellow) DONE
  • finish Hourglass UFO quilt DONE
  • finish Crackerjack UFO wall hanging DONE
  • finish sashing RSC18 blocks top is done except for final borders
  • finish OBW blocks made a few more blocks
  • finish Lukas' pillow top DONE & ready to mail

 The Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2018 (RSC18) quilt is further along than I anticipated.  I was hoping to just finish the blocks, but it's actually ready for the final borders.  And this is the fabric I purchased at The Pin Cushion for those borders; it's called Home Grown by Nancy Halvorsen.  The background is pale blue and the flowers have all of the colors of the blocks so I'm excited to get these sewn on.  I also bought a pretty aqua for the binding. I was going to do a scrappy binding but then I saw that aqua and felt it was perfect.

I finished the 30" floor pillow for my cousin's son Lukas.  I was going to do a grid of quilting lines, but liked how it looked with just the diagonals.  Hopefully it will be in the mail later today since it's already a month late for his birthday.  And the bonus is that I can check this project off both my UFO Challenge list and the PHD (projects half done) list.  Woop woop!!

Now - what goals should I set for March?  I think I've earned a "new project" after finishing 5 UFOs in February.


  1. Yes, finishing 5 UFOs in one month allows you to start a new project! The border fabric is pretty.


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