
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Bags in bags

Inside each of the ziplock bags is a complete kit for a SewTogether Bag.  The fabric parts, the zippers, and the fusible interfacing have now all be cut, organized, and bagged, and ready to become a completed bag.  

The fish fabric was a gift from my cousin that she found while on a road trip.  When I first saw it I just knew I wanted to use it in a bag.  It actually is a bit more of a mossy green than the photo shows. And I found a fun fish skeleton bangle that might be useful to decorate the bag. We'll see if it works out once the bag is sewn.  

Now I need to find more time to sew, on these bags and on some other projects.  This weekend I'm going to Sioux Falls to babysit on Saturday evening for one daughter, and then on Sunday afternoon I'm going to a theater production of Steel Magnolias with both of my daughters.  The play is my birthday gift from them as I turn 65 (gulp) on Sunday. 


  1. Happy Birthday on Sunday! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Happy Birthday! Having everything cut and ready to sew will be handy whenever you find a few minutes to sew.


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