
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Distracted again

I've been distracted from UFO completion yet again. But that's OK because it's the process that makes me happy. And these Ohio Star blocks make me happy.  Thanks go to Lori from for inspiring me with some fun scrap busting.  

Star blocks of any kind make me smile, so when I saw these on her blog on Monday I just knew I had to make some.  So, Tuesday evening while watching college basketball on TV, I was digging into the scraps again to make these.  I don't sew in the evening very often because the light in my sewing room is poor.  And my original thought was just to cut the pieces for these, but then I started sewing. And an hour later I had 3 finished blocks. 

No dimensions in mind and no pattern.  But they are just hourglass blocks and squares.  I found 3 identical red charm squares, so that's where I started. Using 2 of the 5" squares I ended up with 4 hourglass blocks that I trimmed to 4", so that is the size I trimmed my squares.  So the finished blocks are a nice size.  Now that I look at the photo, I see I need to do a better job pressing that yellow one - or maybe the seam is wonky.  Either way, it's an easy fix.  And I now have one of each color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge so far.  Considering the amount of scraps I have I could do a couple in each color very easily. 


  1. Pretty stars. Like you, I love star blocks of any kind. Between the flowers, cats and stars, you're going to have some beautiful and colorful quilts.

  2. I'm not a huge fan of making Hour Glass blocks, but I absolutely LOVE your Ohio Stars!!!

  3. Stars are always winners and yours look great!


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