
Sunday, June 2, 2019

Cats, cats, cats

The June color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) is dark blue.  The navy seemed too dark in comparison to my other kitty blocks, so I chose a medium dark batik for the body. I had about 8 charm squares of this fabric left from something, so I did have to piece that bottom body section. But it worked out nicely and I used a navy blue for the tail and ears.  I'm really happy with the pink heart.

Here he is - joining the rest of the group of happy kitties. These are 12" blocks so one each month should make a nice sized quilt. 

Now I'm off to see a play this afternoon with one of my daughters and one of my friends. The sewing and the golf course and the laundry can wait for another day.  


  1. ❤️ this block in all the color combinations. They are going to make a fun and cheerful quilt. Enjoy your afternoon.

  2. Just the cutest kitties!! Hugs, Julierose

  3. Beatiful cats, someone will love this quilt when it is done!


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