
Tuesday, June 4, 2019


My house is in a state of chaos this week, and I am just going to have to take a deep breathe and remind myself that the mess will be gone by the end of June.

There are 45 gift bags in my dining room.  Our guild bus trip committee met at Holly's house on Saturday afternoon and began the process of filling these gift bags for each person going on the bus trip in 3 weeks.  We added the snacks, a fold-able nylon shopping bag, coupons and pens.  I have a stack of quilting stencils to add to each bag, and next week Trish will deliver the t-shirts.  I have the name tags to finalize and then can add all of the rest of the "stuff" - and tie their name tag around the handles so each gal gets the correct bag based on the t-shirt size they requested. 

These are the kits for a small surprise project that each lady will also get in their gift bag.  The fabric is cut, but I still need to run off the instructions and then pack each kit into a gallon zip lock bag.  And then drop them into all 45 gift bags. 

What you can't see however are the stacks of supplies for a family trip we are taking soon.  I have birthday gifts for 2 grandsons and a son-in-law, And there is a large container of supplies such as paper plates, cups, plastic silverware, napkins - and more for the cabin/house we are renting. Eleven people in one house - and we don't want to spend all of our time cooking or cleaning.  We'll buy groceries for breakfasts and suppers once we get there.  But in the mean time I'm "collecting" things we plan to take with us and it's all in my kitchen - taking up floor space.  Chaos!!


  1. Sounds like you have some fun times ahead! Hopefully the chaos won't vex you too much. Where are you going with your guild?

  2. I'm sure it's going to be a bit chaotic, but enjoy the family time! I'm packing my family to go to Hart Ranch Friday for a week and my bedroom feels the same way!

  3. I just happened to read Moneik’s comment above, which dove me to check out your profile. We are sorta neighbors. I grew up in RC and spent my early married life there. My sister attended Dakota Wesleyan. So hello from NE Wyo! Love your cat blocks!

  4. At least the chaos is organized. The quilters who are going on the trip will appreciate your efforts.

  5. Oh but that chaos is going to lead to fun! What are they going to make with the kit? Enjoy both trips!!

  6. You are organized even if it seems like chaos! Have fun on your trip!! :)


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