
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Almost ready to quilt

The top of this One Block Wonder (with panel) is finally put together.  I still need to do some blanket stitching around the points of the hexies extending onto the center panel.  It actually turned out pretty much how I pictured it in my mind before making it. 

I have to confess that I had to use my seam ripper to take off the whole right side section because I had messed up the alignment of the hexies and the panel itself.  


  1. It's wonderful! I love how the blocks around the panel make it look magical and pull the eye into the center. Nice job.

  2. I just love this! One Block wonders are so cool, but seeing what it looked like before adds a whole other dimension to it.

  3. This one is GRRRRRRREAT!! - Tony the Tiger


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