
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The last finishes of August

Over the long (grey, damp) Labor Day weekend I managed to finish several things.  One complete finish was small and the other was big.  I made my purple blocks for the RSC19, and I worked on a frustrating UFO.  Lots of sewing time because once I hobbled down the steps in my boot I just stayed put for a few hours at a time.  

Hen House Stars is quilted and bound. Those missing star points still bother me and my need for symmetry.  But I quilted it with simple one-way diagonal lines and it may be growing on me.  This is a Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots (session 8) project and is about 16" x 24".

The binding is finally done on the Halloween version of Saturday Sampler.  I am kind of slow at binding, but it does give me some satisfaction.  

A Halloween One Block Wonder using a panel was the next thing I worked on over the weekend.  I'm not sure why I made 2 Halloween quilts in the last year, but they are very different from each other. The OBW quilt required some seam ripping before I made some progress. More on that project later this week. 

I got a call yesterday from a long arm quilter who was quilting one of my other UFOs - a Christmas quilt.  It's ready to pick up so I will have another big quilt to bind and to check off my list.    


  1. well worth the effort at both!

  2. Grey days here too. you made great progress!

  3. The Hen House Stars topper looks great. The missing star points are barely noticeable.


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