
Saturday, October 19, 2019

A flimsy, ready to quilt

I finally have a flimsy ready to quilt made from some of this year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks.  I had cut 2 of the sashings 1/2 inch too long and had to make friends with my seam ripper this morning. But I finally got it all back together and added those side borders.  I've decided it is not getting an outer border. This finished about 67 x 80" so it's a decent size.  And I'm loving how whimsical it turned out.  

And I'm toying with calling this quilt "Sammy's Secret Garden".  The bottom left corner has a black cat that I made to represent Sammy, our very ancient tuxedo cat.  He's getting pretty frail in his old age so we worry about how much time we have left with him.  

Once I finished this I cut out the pieces for my 2 October blocks for Saturday Sampler. And I kitted up 2 more Patriotic Stars and 4 patriotic Ritzy Cracker blocks.  I'm hoping tomorrow will give me more sewing time.  I'm done sewing for today however as I'm leaving shortly to babysit 2 of my grandkids.  


  1. This is an adorable quilt, and it's been fun to see it progress block by block. Have fun today with the Grands.

  2. That is so cute! Adding the flowers, bird, and bee makes the whole quilt so much fun!

  3. Adding those pretty flowers was a great idea. And I see there is a bird and bee as well. It's a beautiful quilt top, you must be so pleased with your creativity!

  4. This quilt is so so cute! Love the flowers, bird and bee too. Of course, the colors are so happy. I really like Lori Holt too. I am actually working she did a few years ago. Can't remember the name but it has cocoa cups, mittens etc. I only have 8 rows done so far but I'm in no hurry. It is one I work on between other quilts. And you are right, lots and lots of little pieces but great instructions.

  5. I wasn't convinced that I would that I would like this quilt when you first began. It has grown on me in the ensuing months. The setting you chose is SEW adorable and now I want to make a Kitties in the Garden quilt of my very own!!

  6. awe, Sammy's garden, yes. This is so sweet, right up my alley! And a top finished, congrats! LeeAnna

  7. Adorable. I'm sure this was a fun one to make.

  8. This quilt turned out so adorable!!! Love the kitties among the flowers. Hope you had a grand day with the grands!

  9. Came together in a lovely way! I wish you many more happy days with Sammy!

  10. It really is a fun quilt! Great job with added blockers!

  11. 🥰 I love it . So whimsical. Happy!

  12. It looks fantastic.


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