
Monday, October 21, 2019

Design Wall Monday - using leftovers

One of my goals for October was to organize and clean up my UFOs, and so far I hadn't spent much time doing that. But Sunday I spent lots of time in my sewing room.  I made more patriotic blocks, and 2 Saturday Sampler blocks.  Then I decided it was time to focus on a little clean-up . . . and pulled out one overflowing project box and decided to focus on clearing it out so I could use it for something else.  And now I have something new on my design wall plus portable design boards are covered with block pieces ready to sew..

The box contained all of the leftover parts and pieces (plus a little yardage) from a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt called En Provence. This mystery was done a couple of years ago, and contained pink, purple, green, yellow, and neutrals - very springy colors. Deep into the weeks of clue releases we added the yellow. And that is when the wheels fell off for me.  My yellows were all very pretty but I really hated it in the actual blocks with the other colors.  So it was set aside to become a UFO.  I have PILES of these units left over: 4-patches, hourglass, half-square triangles, and tri-recs blocks.  Notice the absence of any units with yellow. They are in a different project box in isolation!   

I ended up taking the half dozen blocks I'd made apart, and used some of the parts to make a completely different quilt for my granddaughter Olivia in 2018.  It turned out really cute and she loves it - mostly because it is purple and has unicorns on the backing.  But it hardly put a dent in those leftovers.

So now I've sorted out enough for another quilt using green, pink, and purple.  Some of the pink stars will have purple 4-patch centers and purple HST corners (top photo), while others will have the corner sections replaced by neutral 4-patches.  The green and purple hourglass blocks work nicely with the purple 4-patch centers too, and will have neutral 4-patch corners.  

Once I get the blocks done I can decide how to use them - one large quilt or a couple of smaller ones. But for now I'll keep plugging away getting the blocks made in between working on some of my other goals. 

What is on your design wall this morning?  Check out a few more at:


  1. thanks for the reminder...LOL! i also have some of those purple and pink peaky and spike units waiting for me to do something with them....very nice finish!

  2. Oh, I like where this one is going!

  3. Sounds like a great plan. I really just need to work on the last two and assemble them. I keep getting distracted by bags.

  4. What a great repurpose for all the work you put in! Projects in Time Out don't always get a reprieve like this :)


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