
Thursday, October 31, 2019

October flew by

My October goals were quite ambitious and it was a very productive month. But not necessarily focused on these exact goals.  That is OK because I'm feeling good about the things I did get finished. 

An example is the reunion signature quilt that is in the binding stage. I was going to make a scrappy binding and spent quite a bit of time fiddling with the binding leftovers I've collected. Then I decided that a single color binding was a better plan. 

The coral cat and flower block was the beginning of a whole week of playing. But that resulted in a finished quilt top that was much more creative than my original plan.  It's being quilted now - with a design chosen that has fireflies in the swirls.  Can't wait to get it back. 

So, my October progress on the goals was mixed. 
  • organize my UFOs & PIGs - a Work in Progress, but at least begun
  • set up new shelving unit in sewing room - YES! Thank you to my hubbie!!
  • October Saturday Sampler blocks - 2 main blocks done, but not the 24" block
  • RSC19 - make some coral blocks (cat, Ohio Star, flowers, string) - YES to coral blocks, quilt top is done and in the hands of the quilter
  • bind Signature quilt from family reunion - sewn onto quilt, but not hand stitched down
  • Halloween bench pillow - NO, not started
  • finish binding the giraffe baby quilt and send it off as gift to coworker - YES!
  • finish paper pieced Pineapple blocks NO, only 1 more made
  • quilt Paris panel quilt (#7 UFO Challenge item) NO, not started

And here are a few things NOT on the goal list that are done anyway: 
  • Finished last year's Saturday Sampler top!! Yay!!
  • made several more Quilts of Valor blocks
  • made 2 Winter Fun blocks - a Pat Sloan pattern and the start of another scrappy quilt
  • made 3 pillowcases - last of my kits, so it's time to "kit up" a few more pillowcases
  • made 23 blocks out of the leftover En Provence parts and pieces. 


  1. I love your kitty cat quilt! Just darling!

  2. I treasure the two signature quilts I've made, so many loved ones have died, but their memory and signatures remain.

  3. You have had a great month! Your cat quilt is so adorable. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.


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