
Friday, November 1, 2019

November goals

November has a lot going on with every weekend booked with fun things.  I'm signed up for a 2-day class one weekend and can't wait, although I'm still toying with my fabric choices for the class project.  And I've pulled out one of the 6 kits I put together this summer for another Sew Together bag.  I love, love, love this cocktail border print and it is working perfectly for this bag.  There is a pink floral one that is calling my name too.

I've been invited to attend 2 events to share about our Quilts of Valor projects which is exciting.  One is with an extension club next Monday. The other is spending the day at the local Community Center for their Veteran's Day program. I'm really looking forward to that one.

Modest goals for the month would be best:
  • Keep up with Saturday Sampler blocks
  • finish the paper-pieced Pineapple blocks
  • bind Sammy's Secret Garden quilt
  • finish binding Reunion Signature quilt
  • 3 more pillowcases for grandkids for Christmas (2 are done so far)
  • make 1 Sew Together bag (cocktail)
  • choose another UFO project to work on and make some progress
  • more progress on organizing my projects

The organizing has a good start now that my shelves are done. I worked last Saturday printing and putting together contract books to prepare for bids on a project for work.  My original plans were to sew and work on the shelves, but this work project was a priority as they needed to be shipped to the client on Monday.  My husband surprised me by putting the shelves together while I was working - totally out of character for him let me tell ya!!  LOL!!  

These cubes are smaller than the other unit next to it, but I wanted it to not be taller than my cutting surface on the right.  Now I can fill those bins with kits and precuts, and patterns.  And - I really need to do something about the lighting situation. It's terrible even when the sun is shining. 


  1. it looks pretty and organized... what a lot you have to look forward to doing this month!!

  2. The cocktail fabric is cute and will work great for one of your bags. Glad your QOV group is getting more interest in the community. Keep up the good work.

  3. Love the cocktail fabric, that's going to be a very fun bag. Hope you can work in lots of stitching time with all the other fun things going on.


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