
Friday, December 27, 2019

A little progress

Six of the 8 rows of La Caribe are now sewn together.  My ambition level was at -1 yesterday, so that was pretty much all I accomplished other than a couple of loads of laundry.  Oh - and I did play with the new ruler a little bit and found that it does a great job squaring up hourglass blocks too.  It was the letdown after Christmas, like a big drop in blood sugar.  

I have no idea whether I'll get any sewing done at all for the next few days but am hoping for a little time in my sewing room.  We are expecting a winter storm AND will have 2 of the grand-kids here from tonight through Monday while their parents go to Minneapolis to the Vikings and Bears football game.  I told my SIL that the snow is all his fault. Every time they go to this game we have a snow storm - without exception for several years now. 


  1. This is going to be gorgeous, I'm a sucker for pink. The ruler you mentioned, is it the last one you reviewed that clipped the wings of a HST?


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