
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Icy weekend stuff

We have ice and slush now but the forecast says we may see 18-24" of snow by Monday morning. My plan was to go to a baby shower this morning for my nephew's wife, but I decided not to make that 30 mile drive.  Seems like a good weekend to just hide out at home.  After feeding the grand-kids breakfast this morning, I took my coffee and went to my sewing room for an hour.  The final 2 rows of La Caribe were added, and then both borders.  The narrow grey border frames the design, but that wide print border just makes me smile.

This border fabric is a Kaffe print called Sea Urchin, and I fell in love with it yesterday when I stopped at The Pin Cushion to check out possible border choices.  My original plan was to buy yardage of one of the Kaffe prints in the Hunters Star blocks, but then this one called out to me.  

And . . . while I was sewing for one hour, grandpa was in charge upstairs.  

Sophia and Jack are having fun - and not currently fighting - so I'm trying to control my growing NEED to pick up toys.  I've never been good with having the floor covered with toys, even when my own kids were little.  I prefer making them put away something before getting out anything new.  And yes - call it OCD or whatever - but I can hardly deal with the Legos mixed in with the cars, and all mixed in with stuffed animals scattered on the floor at the same time.  But I will survive - I think!! 


  1. love your quilt and that print is perfect...i have it in blue/gray/purple's good you can let the kids be a moment they will be grown and it'll be a nonissue...

  2. Congrats on your completed quilt top AND letting the kids play WITHOUT picking up the toys!!! :o)

  3. That border print makes me smile, too! Great finish.

  4. That really is the perfect border print for your beautiful quilt! I can see why you had to get it. Your grands do look like they are having fun - but I would have to fight that pick up urge, too!

  5. Oh boy you sound just like me, it's so hard to have stuff all over the floor(unless it is fabric,LOL) My eyes went right to that border print so fun.

  6. Love that sea urchin fabric and you used it beautifully. It is a lovely finish and it will make a gorgeous quilt. Wishing you a very happy new year!!!

  7. The Sea Urchin fabric is the perfect frame to your beautiful quilt. Congratulations on having some quiet time to complete your project.

  8. That is a lovely color to distract me from the gray rainy days of December here and the border fabric is fantastic.

  9. beautiful print I can see why it called to you! I am the same way with toys...oh welll they are just little once:)


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