
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Blizzard projects

Sophia is 7 and she loves to sort things and organize things.  So this morning while grandpa was outside blowing snow (first 12") I brought up everything I needed to cut the parts for a new Quilt of Valor.  Sophia turned all of my squares right side up and put into sets of 20 so I knew how many I had cut.  When we took it all downstairs again she saw the overflowing bin of fat quarters in my sewing room and then spent an hour sorting those.  The bin is still overflowing, but it's better organized now.

After lunch Sophia and Jack headed outside to play in the snow.  They worked on creating a snow fort on the back deck.  The deck is sheltered between wings of the house, so they were out of the wind there.  Dave cleared the driveway and sidewalks once because we could see 18" or more of snow before it ends tomorrow.  It took him 2 hours and was hard work.  It's fairly wet heavy snow so moving half at a time is a good idea.   

Hot cocoa was a treat when they came back inside.  


  1. About six inches fell here, and the wind quickly whipped it into drifts. Nice to have someone organize and count squares for sewing.

  2. We were able to miss the snow in this storm, which was such a relief. We only got the wind which I can handle.

  3. I think I may hate snow or at least shoveling after this past few days:) I moved a little at a time also...we got about 12 inches total. Fun to see your little organizer it is a great skill!


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