
Monday, December 30, 2019

Design Wall Monday - fat quarters

I will confess that I have a weakness for fat quarters.  And the random fat quarter collection USED to fit into this plastic sweater box.  Guess now I need 2 of these boxes.  My granddaughter sorted them on Sunday but that doesn't solve the space problem.  What I really need to do is USE them up!!  Sounds like a New Years resolution to me!

I'm hoping to get a little sewing done today, but it might not happen. Right now I'm supposed to be working on invoices for work.  And we still have grandchildren here because we are not dug out from the blizzard that is just ending today.  No rush to get out because we can't take them home until their parents get home, and they have a long drive on snowy roads today.  

What's on your design wall this morning? 


  1. Nice selection of FQs! Unless I have a special project planned, I seldom purchase FQs. It's hard to find them for less than $3.

  2. I've been cleaning my sewing room too. I took out a whole bunch of stuff to give away and you can't even tell anything is missing. Have fun with you FQs.

  3. "I was preparing myself for the dreaded total number..of UFOs....And the number is just a number.....nothing to be afraid of." SHE TELLS HERSELF. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA . . .
    I, too, have many ufos (knitting) but not THAT many. I've been "stashbusting" since 2018 but have fallen down and boght yarn and patterns too .. but at least the net is lighter than before!! Good luck with your 2020 projects. We'll have to swap again soon1


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