
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Escaping to sew

I managed to carve out an hour to sew last night.  This is the beginning of the Quilt of Valor that Sophia helped me cut out.  The pattern was for a scrappy quilt, but I had these 3 fabrics and decided they would do just fine.  Scrappy would be even prettier most likely but that will have to wait for another time.  

My daughter and her husband managed to get home safely yesterday but it took them a lot longer than usual to get from Minneapolis to Sioux Falls.  They said they saw a lot of accidents.  We decided to keep the kids one more night because the Interstate between Mitchell and Sioux Falls is really bad yet and there was no point in taking chances in the dark with the grand-kids in the car.  So they are stuck with us until this afternoon.  

ADDED NOTE:  This pattern is a free Bonnie Hunter pattern called Fourth of July.  I've added a link to her Free Patterns page because she has so many great patterns.


  1. Wise decision to delay the departure of the Grands. Love the start of your QOV. Is the pattern available online?

  2. I'm sure the grand kids enjoyed their time at your house. Looks like a great start to a new quilt.

  3. Pretty quilt. Yes the roads are bad...good thing your grands could stay and be safe! :)


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