
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Welcome to 2020 - January goals

January 2020 - a whole new year with wide open possibilities!!  Following a couple of UFO challenges last year gave me some great focus and the results were some great progress of UFOs - finishes and forward progress.  I finished 15 projects and made progress on quite a few more.  Of course I started a lot of new things too - some finished and some not. It's all good. 

So . . . the number drawn for January is #2, and the easiest thing to finish would be this wall hanging made of French General fabrics (started with a charm pack) and disappearing 4-patch blocks.  This was an August 2018 project, but didn't get the outer border until much later.  It just needs to be quilted and bound.  It's only about 42" square and I think I am going to quilt it myself with a simple diagonal grid.  So my first task today is to dig into the stash and see if I have anything suitable for a backing, and then find a batting leftover that is big enough so I can sandwich it for quilting.  

Looking at the photo now makes me think the square cream areas could use a small quilting design rather than just a diagonal line going through.  Hmmmm - we'll see what happens. 

And, then I should find the other 2 UFOs on the list because I'm not sure where I put them.  Both of the other projects are from past year Saturday Samplers.  The Batik Stars is a good sized quilt, but the Gingerbread project is much smaller.  

There isn't a PIG (project in grocery sack) on the list for this month, but I'll continue working on the red, white, and blue PIG from December with a goal of getting it to flimsy stage by the end of January.  


  1. I like this small quilt. I haven't tried the disappearing four-patch; maybe, I will this year.

  2. Love this top. Have fun quilting this one! I'm working on the USA pillow panels you made last year. I ordered several and didn't get them made. Today is the day!


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