
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas stockings

Can I just leave the Christmas stockings up on the fireplace all year? They look so cheerful.

The stockings for the kids are already stuffed, and a couple of little things are in the adults' stockings too.  This is one of my favorite spots in the house, especially this time of year.

No sewing has happened in over a week now. There are too many things going on.  My sister-in-law and I spent a couple of days in Sioux Falls this week for a little R and R.  We did very little shopping, but enjoyed some nice dining and attended the Kenny G concert.  

Now back to work. I am heading to a bid opening shortly.  I think I have all my documentation needed organized and in my computer bag ready to go. 


  1. I'm right there with you, Sara. I love stockings and decorations on the mantle.Yours looks so festive!

  2. uber festive is what they are....channeling your inner norman rockwell for sure!

  3. The stockings are wonderful, and I'm sure they are full of memories as well as treats.

  4. In our other house we had a big brick wall fireplace, I miss it. So it was sweet to see yours all decorated.


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