
Monday, December 16, 2019

Quilting friends

We don't always work on things together or even work on any projects. But we share our love of all things vintage, and quilting.  That's the Sew Vintage group that meeting one afternoon per month.  We had a potluck Christmas Party on Saturday and it was so much fun. I should have taken pictures of the food because - OMG, there was so much yummy food!  But I was too busy filling a plate and eating a little of everything.

We had decided that we would each bring one gift, and it needed to be something that would fit in a small jar like a pint canning jar. Then we played a dice game to exchange those little gifts.  I received Sandy's gift, which was this beautiful hot pad. It was rolled up and fit in the jar, but when I unrolled it this is a a great size. And It's perfect because I just threw away a favorite, old, worn out hot pad. So thank you Sandy!

Remember all of those little star ornaments that I made? Well I gave most of them away as little gifts to the whole group. And several of the gals also had little gifts for everyone - some hand made and some purchased.  

Isn't that little red truck with the Christmas tree cute? It fits in so well with the vintage theme.  And this little folded origami star is adorable.  Both are on my tree already. 

A packet of hot chocolate and the cutest little spoon made of peppermint - that is a clever stocking stuffer idea.  

Our group leader Cindy made these cute little notebook covers for each of us. This little notebook fits perfectly into my small purse.  

And there is this adorable little gnome made by Carol and her husband. He's a very "crafty" fellow and even made the pattern for the gnome shape.  The gnome is also sitting on a branch in my Christmas tree. 

And another gal gave each of us a porcelain coaster.  I put it to good use under my Sunday morning coffee cup next to the sofa.  

Thank you ladies!! I treasure this group - and not for the physical gifts they give, but for the warm social gift of friendship. 

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