
Monday, December 23, 2019

Design Wall Monday

Self binding baby blankets are such a clever design.  I made LOTS of these when my grand-babies were newborns because they are light weight and a similar size to a receiving blanket. It was a quick and useful baby gift.

Two squares of flannel are used with one cut 10" bigger than the other.  You can choose the size, but I usually cut my bigger piece the maximum size I can based on the width of the flannel, and then just cut the smaller piece 10" smaller.

The only tricky part is doing the corners, so that they "turn" properly and make the binding.  But I keep the instruction page handy with a pictures showing how to sew that corner.  Once the blanket is turned right sides out, that larger piece forms the binding.  I use a serpentine or other decorative stitch to sew on top of that seam to keep everything in place and close the opening.  Just Google "self binding baby blanket" for great instructions.

I need to finish one more before next weekend to gift at the baby shower for my nephew's wife. This is their first baby, and it's a boy.  This farm print is perfect as they live on a farm.  She is a veterinarian and he works at a "wheel shop" - a local business that builds and restores antique wagons and carriages for customers all over the world.

What is on your design wall this morning?

1 comment:

  1. I love making those flannel blankets too. They are fast and and are always appreciated by moms-to-be. Hope you will show more pictures :-)


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