
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Working on my 2020 UFO list

For the past several years I've participated in the APQ UFO Challenge online, and I also participated locally in The Pin Cushion's PHD (projects half done) challenge.  It's a great way to challenge myself to work on - or get rid of  - those unfinished things sitting around.  The online challenge asks for a numbered list of 12 UFOs and they draw a number for each month to determine which UFO to tackle.

Well, I have too many UFOs to make a list of just 12 so I've been putting 3 items on the spreadsheet list for each number.  Then I can choose which one or ones to work on based on my mood.  This year I've added my own twist because as I've reorganized my sewing room I have found TOO MANY kits and projects purchased but not started.

So for each month I have added at least one "pick a PIG" to the list.  A PIG is a project in a grocery sack - not really, but any kit falls into this category for me.  And I've decided that I will pick out any PIG each month and do something with it.  That something might be to work on it, but it might also be to give it away or return the fabric to the stash to be used in a different way.  As long as it gets the PIG out of the drawer, then I'll consider it a small success.  And I reserve the right to replace any PIG on the list with some other UFO if I choose.  There are no Quilt Police after all.  

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