
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

It's December already???

The snow outside reminds me that it's really winter and that we're already into December.  

I am VERY please with meeting the November goals. I felt like my sewing energy had returned. 
  • Saturday Sampler blocks - DONE
  • finish the paper-pieced Pineapple blocks - NO
  • bind Sammy's Secret Garden quilt - 3/4 completed
  • finish binding Reunion Signature quilt - DONE
  • 3 more pillowcases for grand-kids for Christmas (2 are done so far) - all 5 DONE
  • make 1 Sew Together bag (cocktail) - DONE
  • choose another UFO project to work on and make some progress - NO
  • more progress on organizing my projects - very little progress made

What else did I do this month?
  • started and finished a Kim Diehl project - Apple Baskets mini quilt
  • made 17 Christmas ornaments
  • planned a couple more Quilts of Valor projects
  • took a 2-day class on La Caribe (Hunter's Star variation)
So what are my December goals?  If it keeps snowing I might get LOTS of sewing time.  But I think we have enough snow already. 
  • Saturday Sampler blocks
  • make the November Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots mini quilt project
  • finish binding Sammy's Secret Garden
  • work on the paper-pieced Pineapple blocks
  • sew La Caribe blocks into rows
  • cut out parts for 2 new Quilts of Valor
  • clean up and organize the drawer full of neutral fabrics (whites/beiges)


  1. respectable progress with or without the snow...

  2. Wonderful list of accomplishments! The cat quilt makes me smile every time I see it.


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