
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Oh Christmas Tree!!

The newest ornament on my Christmas tree is this adorable treadle machine.  My tradition every year is to give my kids and grand-kids a new ornament each year.  This year DD#1 gave me a new ornament too - this one!  It's so cute and has a tiny stocking under the needle.  I love it!

New spot for the Christmas tree this year - in the place where our piano has been for 13 years.  We gave the piano to daughter #1 family as she has kids interested in starting piano lessons. My mother bought the piano for our girls just before she died - in 1991.  And since neither my husband or I play it, we felt it was time to pass it along to be used again.  In our house it was just a nice piece of furniture to dust.  And now the Christmas tree fills in that corner very nicely. 


  1. What an adorable ornament! Your tree is so pretty and looks great in its new spot.

  2. The tree is lovely! I have a tiny, 3 foot tree this year, and it's the perfect size for my apartment AND for storage. Love your new ornament.

  3. Pretty tree and your new ornament is so cute!


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