
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A real need to "let go" . . .

It isn't going to happen any time soon, but I really need to go through EVERY box and closet in my house and get rid of STUFF.  What is it about a new year that makes me want to de-clutter?  And then that urge fades, and it doesn't happen. 

I took something down to the basement this morning to put on a shelf in my storage room.  In front of me was a small open box with old cookbooks.  These were cookbooks belonging to my parents who died 30 years ago!!  This box has been moved twice, and never dealt with.  Shame on me!  I had started going through that box last summer and then set it aside when I ran out of time - or maybe the heart to throw things away.  I don't remember now.  

But sitting near the top of that small box of cookbooks was this - a Burpee Seed catalog.  From 1989 - unbelievable!!  So today is the day.  I'm going to go through that box and make some decisions about what to keep, what to give away and what to donate.  It's only ONE small box, but it's time.


  1. I get the urge to purge this time of year, too. Good luck making those tough decisions.

  2. I'm right there with you! The longest journey starts with the first step... or box!

  3. I throw things away all the time and often replace them a year or two later. Your post reminds me of a story my dad often tells when I talk of hating clutter.

    He tells of going to an estate auction of a couple who saved everything. They had been married for about 60 yrs, both passed within weeks of each other. The estate took about a year to go through before setting up the auction. Not only did the estate have everything they had ever purchased but it also had everything their parents owned. They might have been called hoarders. But most things were very well taken care of. The point to dad's story is, the contents of the home brought in collectors from around the US. By the end of he auction the family had made almost a million dollars for things they saw as junk. This didn't include the sale of the home. This doesn't stop me from tossing or donating my clutter, but it's something to think about. Those things may not seem of value to you now but you never know sprinkle them with a little time and dust and your sitting on a gold mine!

  4. I love cookbooks and have quite a collection of them that need the same treatment! One box/drawer at a time!


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