
Monday, January 6, 2020

Design Wall Monday - a QOV flimsy

What's on your design wall today?  Check out a few others at:

This is just coming OFF my design wall because it's ready to quilt.  This Quilt of Valor flimsy is a free pattern from Bonnie Hunter called Fourth of July.  Her version is scrappy and mine used up some yardage, but either version works really well.  This was a really easy pattern and uses no tiny pieces.  See what free patterns are available from Bonnie's blog. 

Do you notice the golf club to the right of my quilt?  I laid this out on the floor of my husband's office which is next door to my sewing room in our basement.  He has a 25' putting green on the floor and since he had just vacuumed it I thought it would be a nice clean spot to lay this out.  LOL

On my desk (not my design wall) is a lovely gift I received from LeeAnna at  She has been making these beautiful hexie mug rugs as gifts for friends.  It's right next to my laptop where I see it every morning as I sit down to work. 

Isn't it pretty?  Red is my favorite color and she used a gold metallic thread to stitch around the edges. The backing is felt.  Pretty and purposeful - the best kind of gift.  I feel lucky to be considered a friend!!  Thank you so much!!


  1. That pattern is perfect for a QOV, and your version is beautiful. Nice job! I admire anyone who works with hexies. I made one project and decided that was enough.

  2. Perfect quilt top! That hexie coaster is very cute. I ran acrosss some cut out hexies yesterday...I put them in the small box of fabric I am keeping. I really enjoyed hand sewing may be a a project someday again:)


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