
Sunday, January 5, 2020

Working on UFOs

I set a goal of FINDING all of the parts of the Gingerbread blocks.  Well - I've reached that goal because I did find all of the parts.  The patterns, the fabric kits that came with them, and the zillions of buttons that I must have purchased at the time.  These were part of a Christmas themed Saturday Sampler we did a couple of years ago.  I made the quilt without the Gingerbread blocks.  It had a mix of 12" blocks, 6" blocks, some pieced and some with elaborate applique.  The original pattern also had Christmas-y words/phrases but I didn't do those at all either.  

Two of the Gingerbread characters have been fused and the blanket stitching was begun.  There is another one that was fused but had no stitching at all.  And there were two more not started, but the fabric was tucked in with the patterns.  Each of the 5 characters has a different backgrounds fabric but the gingerbread shape is always a brown.  And there was a lot of aqua, red, lime green, and pink as touches of color in the original quilt and in these guys.  

I got really carried away with buying buttons for these, but since each one uses several I may use up a fair amount. I hope I do anyway.  

This is the gingerbread guy that was fused to the background, but had no stitching done.  He has bites out of his legs and crumbs flying as he runs away.  So cute!!

So . . . what am I going to do with these 5 blocks now that the pieces are all gathered?   It would make a cute wall hanging or a table runner.  But I think the first task might be to fuse the other two bodies to their backgrounds and then I can do all of the brown blanket stitching at once.  Then I can work on the embellishments.  

I'm just happy that I was able to find all of the patterns and parts.  That makes it much more likely that this project will get finished in 2020.  Yay! 


  1. yeah for finding all the right bits and pieces!

  2. LoVe your Gingers... looking forward to seeing them come together... xox


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