
Monday, February 10, 2020

Design Wall Monday - Harvest Road

Working on a UFO for just a little while produced blocks in 3 stages of completion.  Of the 32 hourglass blocks needed for this project, I have 12 completely done.  

There are 8 more sewn but not trimmed or pressed. And the rest are partially sewn and pinned together in sets. These are even marked with the diagonal line to sew on either side making the hourglass.  Ready to finish up later in the week.  Check out a few more Design Walls at:

I keep calling this project Harvest Road which is really the name of the fabric line. The actual pattern is called Acorn Caps.  But I think I'll just keep calling it Harvest Road.  It was a PIG (project in grocery sack) that I pulled out and started right before Christmas. I even blogged about using my new ruler to start it.  Then it was set aside - in danger of being forgotten, so I added it to my UFO list to get it finished.  The charm squares and pattern were part of a Sew Sampler box from Fat Quarter Shop.  And ironically that new ruler is the one I was using when I cut my finger last week - which is why I'm waiting to trim these hourglass blocks. 


  1. Great looking pattern! I hope your finger is healing. I wonder why the designer called the pattern “Acorn Caps” . . .

  2. I call a lot of my projects by their fabric line names. It just seems easier to remember or to distinguish the project. I have 4 Moda Love quilts, but all are called by their fabric names.

  3. Beautiful pattern and fabrics. Be careful with the cutting - I've cut myself several times with my rotary cutter. Not pretty! Hope you are healing fast. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, Judy


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