
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Training week

I “retired” from a full time education job about 3 years ago and took on 2 part time jobs. I still teach 3  high school courses online and do the tech support for our web-based course platform. And I work for my husband’s telecom engineering firm tracking budgets and working with contracts and invoices.  Well, this week is the annual training and meeting week for all of the engineering staff.

We all work from home so it’s nice to see folks and interact.  But the training sessions might make my brain explode. LOL a little sewing time would help me decompress 
But that will wait for the weekend. 


  1. I didn’t realize you were teaching online - sounds like fun.

  2. How do you like teaching online? I love teaching the course I teach for SDSU online. I hope you have a great week of training, but my understanding of engineering and training would overload my brain.


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