
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Minus 25 degree wind chill

I’m wishing I had a quilt to wrap up in today - in this meeting room.  The outside temp is still below zero with a negative 25 wind chill. The thermostat on the wall in this room says it’s 64 degrees in here in spite of turning it up. I should have brought my latest binding project with me. It might have kept me warm. 


  1. I could just picture you in a meeting working on binding that quilt. Bet you would even up with a few helpers. Too funny

  2. I hate when meeting rooms are cold. I usually try to dress in layers, but it doesn't always work out that way.

  3. Brrr! Order some HOT coffee or tea so you can at least warm your hands.

  4. Nothing worse than sitting in a cold room and trying to pay attention!


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