
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Time to sew - finally

There were more choices in orange than I originally thought, but I had to dig deeply to find them.  

I was gone last week from Monday afternoon through Sunday afternoon, so there wasn't any time at all for sewing.  Training and "annual" staff meetings were on the calendar, followed by the annual employee party on Saturday night.  The party was pizza and bowling, and staff was encouraged to bring their family.  Our kids and grand-kids came and had some fun.  But I was going through a bit of withdrawal from sewing. 

So - it was extra nice to have Monday off yesterday after an especially busy week.  I finally got to spend a couple of hours sewing after the hubbie left on a road trip for work.   Two new orange gingham blocks were added to my RSC collection.  And I also managed to make 2 blocks for Harvest Road, which I'll show off tomorrow.  

Now it's time to go get a much overdue haircut and color. Then back to work this afternoon again. 


  1. The orange is lovely it goes really nice with the green blocks! Bright and colorful!

  2. The simplicity of these blocks adds to their appeal. I’m happy that you got some time to stitch yesterday.

  3. Great blocks, bright colors. Your orange fabrics are beautiful

  4. Time away from the sewing room certainly does make us crave needle and thread, doesn't it? You found some lovely ORANGE scraps and those RSC blocks turned out great!!

  5. Your gingham blocks look wonderful, I've never seen this design before.

  6. Your orange blocks look gorgeous with the green blocks. I have several of those fabrics in my scrap stash. Happy sewing. Hope your color comes out well.

  7. Oh, that's a fun block. I don't believe I've seen that one before. I love gingham! Made a few shirts and dresses out of it back in the clothes sewing days.

  8. Lots of yummy orange! I really like the gingham blocks!


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