
Friday, March 13, 2020

Getting ready for some weekend sewing

I mentioned in a previous post that in cleaning out a drawer I found several very interesting things, including a couple of partially done projects and a large quilt kit.  Just what I needed - more UFOs, right?  And this wasn't the only UFO found in that drawer.  More on that another day however.  LOL

One of the "found" projects, is this Hot Peppers table runner that was a complete top.  This was a pattern from a small card, and I have made several of these over the years.  It's basically just large flying geese units.  Over my lunch break today I spent a relaxing hour in my sewing room prepping some weekend projects.  I found a scrap of batting just the right size for the table runner, and also found some leftover backing from another project.  I did have to piece the backing, but this one is sandwiched and ready to add some simple quilting. 

Also during that same hour I kitted up 2 pillowcases using this Australian Outback themed fabric.  I had bought the brown last week to use for the cuffs but had the green.  These will be adorable pillowcases and they are ready to sew. 

1 comment:

  1. Those pillowcases are bright and fun! I have some potholders with those chilis! :)


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