
Monday, March 16, 2020

Design Wall Monday

My design wall is quite random and varied this morning. But I made a little progress on several things that have been laying around.  What's on your design wall this morning?

The Hot Chili Pepper table runner is now quilted with some simple serpentine stitches and the binding has been sewn on.  I went with black binding which I always find hard to see except in daylight. Although with a rainy grey day again I can't really call this good stitching light.

In the little stack of "found" projects were 2 small drawstring bags, that I hadn't shown yet.  They were all ready to sew up the side seams and add the channel to pull the cords through.  But they needed a good pressing first.  Now the side seams of one bag are done.  But I ran out of time to do the other one right now. Maybe after work.  

Both my husband and I already work from home, so our work lives haven't changed much with the recommended isolation.  He backed out of traveling to a trade show this week and then it was cancelled completely anyway.  Fortunately neither of us have any underlying health concerns but we are both turning 66 in the next weeks, so we're in the higher risk age group.  We're trying to be cautious about where we go but are not in a panic.

South Dakota has had 9 10 cases of Covid-19, but no new cases for several days with one new case today.  That is reason for optimism.  Only one case is in my county.  The schools in the state are all closed for the week, like many other states. Both of my daughters work in health care (respiratory therapist and occupational therapist) and work in hospitals. They are most concerned about day cares staying open because they don't have an option to work from home.  And their children are all age 8 and under so they can't be home alone either.  At some point I am sure that my husband and I will be called upon to help out with child care.  


  1. Child care is going to become an issue for so many young families. It must be a comfort for your girls know you are ready to help in a pinch.

  2. Yes Day Care is a problem for many. We have 20 new cases in Minnesota today I think that makes a total of 54. The number is going up everyday. Good you can work from home and be a day care too! :)

  3. Prayers your daughters' situations. We have not seen a swamping of cases here in Indiana. We did just have our first attributed death, but the person had underlying issues. I am irritated that our Gov just shut down restaurants and bars, I feel for those small businesses who now have to fire workers and may face closing their businesses. I find it all a little bit of hysteria driven.


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