
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Teal string block

One more block is done for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this month. Yay!

I dug deep into the scrap bins and found more teal strings.  And I did recently buy a small amount of a pretty teal floral that just jumped out to me.  So I added a strip of that floral into my teal string block too.  There are now 19 total rainbow string blocks.  I'll need 5 more to make the kid sized quilt I'm planning.

The picture makes the color look very blue, but they really are teal and turquoise.  I got quite excited when I saw how these blocks look together. My plan is to put a narrow black sashing in between the blocks.  That should make the colors pop even more.


  1. Good plan to use black between the blocks.

  2. Very pretty! Teal is one of my favorite colors!

  3. I love that teal flower fabric you put in there!! All lovely shades of teal.


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