
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Quilt of Valor presentation

I was very honored to present a Quilt of Valor on Sunday.  This lovely lady is 93 and is a Navy veteran from the Korean War era.  It was a surprise to her and I'm sure she wondered why her family asked her to bring her American Legion hat to her birthday party.  Thank you Dorothy for your service!

First I should clarify, that I didn't make this quilt; it was actually made by members of her family from out of state.  They contacted me to do the presentation and then mailed the quilt, pillowcase, and certificate to me. I've been in touch with the family for a couple of months as they planned this for her.

I was quite worried that the family might postpone this presentation due to the virus concerns, but there were only about 10 family members there so it was a small group.  And it was really an honor to be a small part of the day.  I asked 2 of her children who were also veterans to drape the quilt around her as I gave the little presentation speech.   


  1. awesome....these presentations just blow me away...every time.

  2. How wonderful you were able to do the presentation! It’s heartwarming to see our veterans receive a Quilt if Valor.

  3. Way to go! I bet she was thrilled and that is one beautiful quilt! How nice that you could present the quilt and take a photo and share it!

  4. How wonderful that you were able to help with this presentation. I'm sure it was an honor to her and wonderful that her family made it for her.

  5. Good for you! and good for her and her family--how very meaningful for all!


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