
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Staying busy

I do feel sorry for folks who have no hobbies in this time of staying home.  Boredom is a brief condition for me because I can always lose myself in a good book or go play in my sewing room.  Tuesday morning I spent a lot of time sewing while waiting on a some budget documents I needed for work.  It was fun to just relax and sew for a couple of hours.   

It was a perfect time to make another teal Diamond Tile (Bonnie Hunter) block.  That brings my total up to 10 little blocks.  These blocks are only 7.5" square so it will take quite a few to make anything.  But I think these will make a cute kid sized quilt for donation - eventually.  It's a fun little block and uses up plenty of small pieces from the scrap bins.   

The Australian Outback pillowcases that I kitted up the other day are now completed and in my stack of gift and donation pillowcases.  I like to have plenty of pillowcases, especially for kids, handy to give as gifts or for donations.  A great mindless sewing project and they each use up approximately a  whole yard of stash fabric. So . . . 2 yards out of the stash with these finishes.

And I finished up the 2 small drawstring bags as well.  I already have 3 of these made and filled with toiletries like shampoo, a new toothbrush and toothpaste - all in travel sizes.  My plan for these is to give them to a needy agency when I have more of them.  Two squares of fabric and a little ribbon or cord is all these take.  I think these were made from 18" squares which makes them fat quarter friendly.  

Last but not least I added another little On-Point 9 Patch block.  There are only 4 of these so far - clipped together and hanging on my bulletin board.  So cute and something that makes a good Leader/Ender kind of block.  These end up 4.75" square.  I have 3 little cookie tins of postage stamp blocks cut from scraps over the years - 1.5" - in every color, including the white.  The bigger side triangles are coming from my 3.5" block box.  Both are sizes that I cut quite often from scraps, along with strings, and 2.5" and 5" squares. 

Just as I was getting ready to sew a binding onto a UFO quilt, an email popped up on my phone with the budget docs I needed for work.  Fun was over - back to work!!!


  1. You have been so busy--all lovely projects;))) hugs, Julierose

  2. As I was working on the scrap pile yesterday, I was thinking about those who have no hobbies. I’m glad to have more possible projects than I can ever complete. I’m a happy and grateful camper!

  3. I have a list of projects and hobbies! Always something to do if not a nap is good:) Women's Shelters can always use small bags with toiletries:)


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