
Friday, March 20, 2020

Needing some distraction

I needed a little distraction - from work and from worry about the Covid-19 situation. Most of the world has things worse than me, but that doesn't stop my brain from the overload of information and worry.  Just like everyone else!!

Hanging in my sewing room closet is a bag full of zipper sets and fabrics that I've set aside for future Sew Together bags.  I thought I had one bag all cut and kitted up, but if that's the case it wasn't with the others.  So it seemed like a good time to get one started to work on in between some other projects like hand stitching binding.  

The floral outer skin of the bag is now all quilted and trimmed to size.  The "text" pieces are the lining and the interfacing is ironed on.  Same with the end pieces - pink (this one may change to yellow or green) on the outside and text print on the inside with interfacing.  The white will be the pocket linings.  The narrow grey strips are going to be the bindings used on the ends and top zipper area.  Ready to sew!


  1. Great fabric and color choices! I’ve tidied my sewing room and cut fabric for two mystery QALs. Now it’s time to begin sewing

  2. What pattern is "Sew Together" bag? Pretty fabrics. No Idle Hands . . .!


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