
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Small finishes

Both of the finishes for this week were small "lost and found" UFOs.  They were in a drawer with other random stuff including UFOs, kits, and just pieces of fabric with no plan.  That drawer is now collecting backings for future projects. 

The Hot Peppers table runner is done - quilted with some simple lines of serpentine stitching done on my own machine by me.  It's so bright and cheery.  This table runner would be so fun for a Cinco de Mayo party.  Some other year maybe . . . unless it's a party of two.  

Here is one of the two Day and Night projects from that drawer.  The other one is also quilted but I'm trying to decide if it's going to become a pillow or a table topper.  In the meantime, this one is done.  It was amazing to me that the binding was even safety pinned to the project so it wasn't lost over the approximately 15 years it lived in the state of needing completion.  Bonnie quilted it with a bright thread in this loopy design that almost looks like flames.  


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