
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Raspberry Cocoa is finally DONE!!

Raspberry Cocoa has been on my UFO list for 3 years and I can finally check it off.  I love the pink and brown combo in this quilt.  But the reason it was a UFO for so long is because I was hand quilting it.  And because I would set it aside for months at a time with no progress.  

I thought I had chosen a simple design, but it really got lost on this quilt.  My hand quilting choices need to be simpler when used on a busily pieced quilt.  So I ended up simplifying the border quilting - with loops in the corners only, and connected with a simple wavy line down each side. 

Raspberry Cocoa is a Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots design from a few years ago.  And ironically it was one of my #11 items from the APQ UFO Challenge.  Number 11 was announced this morning as the June UFO number. And I had just finished quilting it this morning.  The other 2 items list under #11 on my list are: Pick a Pig and Urban Cabin quilt.  I'm currently working on a PIG (6th grade) so that is good timing.  And the pillow top I showed isn't even on the list.  Guess my plan will be to continue with the 6th grade blocks, and finish quilting that pillow top so I can put it together this next week.   


  1. Love it and the colors are perfect! :) I have a UFO that has to be hand quilted too...I never seem to get to it! :)


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